
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

time warp

All of the kids these days are texting.

But there's something more romantic about a pen and paper.

Take me back to what we consider to be old fashioned.

To a time when men were still men and not just boys wearing their grandfather's tie.

Back when "gentlemen" were really gentle - men,

And boys were taught to carry a handkerchief, because ladies cry.

Take me back to a time when men wore robes and sat on the porch reading the paper,

When kids said yes sir instead of screw you,

And parents were constantly in love.

Back when ladies wore flowy dresses because they were beautiful and not because it was a special occasion,

and men wore suspenders because they were practical.

Back when a man would give a lady his arm and guide her safely through the night,

and carry an umbrella over her head instead of his.

Back when top hats were the norm, and men weren't afraid to tip it in your direction and tell you how they feel about you.

Give me a man of my very own that opens doors, and gives me his jacket, and wears a top hat,and uses an old type writer, and possibly even sings me songs from the old black and white musicals.

Give me one that carries a handkerchief because i cry, and writes me old fashioned letters, and tells me how he feels, and dances in the rain with me.

I want an old fashioned kind of love.