
Sunday, January 17, 2016

s m o k e

You fill my lungs with smoke.
And not the second hand kind of smoke.
No, you're the dark gray kind of smoke.
The heavy kind of smoke.
Your'e the kind of smoke that consumes my entire being in just one hit.
And with that kind of smoke,
I'm becoming an addict
I'm becoming a 3 packs a day kind of girl,
a 4 packs a day kind of girl,
a 5 packs a day kind of...

6 packs and your nose touches mine
7 packs and you pull me in close
8 packs and our lips meet

I'm becoming a 9 packs a day kind of...
Hell, I'm at 10 packs a day and who knows if this road will lead to lung cancer

but at least I'll die happy.


  1. This poem would be so cool to see performed. Love it.

  2. Where there's smoke there's fire am I right
